Spiritual Mindsets/ Transforming Yours in All Areas of Your Life
Good evening, followers! I hesitated to begin this Spiritual Life Coaching Certification through Transformation Academy and its instructor, Emily Rivera. All I can say is I'm so glad I am now longer denying myself this opportunity. This reminds me of an exercise I took years ago on different biases I might have and not know or recognize. Here's the test if interested. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html To Begin: Make a list of ten positive word or empowering words you say to yourself on a weekly basis that could trigger a positive mindset. Do the same with negative or disempowering words that you say to yourself that you believe could trigger a negative mindset. Examples of a few of my positive: Energetic, Adventurous, Acceptance Examples of a few of my negative: Pushy, Stubborn, Cheap Next: Write down any positive or empowering conversations you find yourself having with yourself or others weekly. Do the same with the negative or dis-empoweri...