Spiritual Mindsets/ Transforming Yours in All Areas of Your Life

 Good evening, followers!

   I hesitated to begin this Spiritual Life Coaching Certification through Transformation Academy and its instructor, Emily Rivera. All I can say is I'm so glad I am now longer denying myself this opportunity.

This reminds me of an exercise I took years ago on different biases I might have and not know or recognize. Here's the test if interested.


To Begin: Make a list of ten positive word or empowering words you say to yourself on a weekly basis that could trigger a positive mindset. Do the same with negative or disempowering words that you say to yourself that you believe could trigger a negative mindset. 

Examples of a few of my positive: Energetic, Adventurous, Acceptance

Examples of a few of my negative: Pushy, Stubborn, Cheap

Next: Write down any positive or empowering conversations you find yourself having with yourself or others weekly. Do the same with the negative or dis-empowering conversations you find yourself having with yourself or others.

Example of a Positive Conversation: Listening to other people's stories gives me an opportunity to develop healthy communication skills and intimacy. 

Examples of a Negative Conversation: " I can't", "It's impossible", "I'm not good enough".

After you do this, you will want to look in these 14 Categories of Your Life. Write down positive or empowering expectations and beliefs you have about each of them. Do the same about your negative expectations or dis-empowering beliefs about each of them.

1. Yourself

2. Others

3. Your Body

4. Men

5. Women

6. Relationships

7. Work

8. Money

9. Opportunities


11. Environment/Nature

12.God/Universe/Source/Higher Self/Energy

13. Health 

14. Aging


1. Yourself: Positive: I have the ability to reorganize my time and invest in what's most to me' "Me".

                    Negative: I'm too old or too young to be.....

2. Others: Positive: Some people can be trusted.

                Negative: People will hurt me.

3.Your Body: Positive: I can look in the mirror daily and say, "You can do it".

                       Negative: " My body should look like....."

4. Men: Positive: I can ask for help

              Negative: Challenge prejudice when you hear it. Words even meant as a joke or banter can illicit mistrust.

5. Women: Positive: Women are very supportive.

                  Negative: Control my emotions.

6. Relationships: Positive: There are no failures only outcomes as long as I learn something I'm succeeding.

                           Negative:  I just need to find the right person.

7. Work: Positive: I can do this

               Negative: Anti-Authority Attitude- May feel resentful or angry that someone is bossing them or making rash decisions that affect the personal of them and those they are working with.

8. Money: Positive: Money expresses appreciation towards me and my work.

                Negative: It's too late to change my financial future.

9. Opportunities: Positive: I understand my potential.

                            Negative: Others are in my way.

10. Religion: Positive:  Teaches compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.

                     Negative: Being terrified of Hell.

11. Environment/Nature: Positive: Being in nature gives us "sensory awareness"; we are more mindful of what we see, hear, smell, and feel.

                                      Negative: Sometimes my values don't match others and I become judgmental; Some people care more about the environment, some people care about other people, some people care more about pleasure and comfort, and some people care about personal resources.

12. God| Universe| Source| Higher Self: Positive: Quote from Ronald Reagan, " There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect. 

Negative: Fear to face fears, insecurities or past traumas.

13. Health: Positive: I am in control. A new mindset of self-love, perseverance, positivity, strength, ang growth will help you get through the most challenging moments of your wellness journey and move towards your own success.

                   Negative: The mind-body connection is so STRONG that poor mental health can often materialize as physical symptoms causing health and well-being suffering.

14. Aging: Positive: Greater sense of acceptance of self and others.

                  Negative: My body and mind are failing me and I'm angry at them.

Finally, in each of these 14 categories write down 5 to 8 beliefs and expectations you would like to incorporate and feed your mind, yourself and Life in each of the 14 areas listed.

On this final and most important part of the transformative process, I can't help but think of my trauma counselor who asked me to frame these quotes in pretty frames and put them in pretty places. So, healing then and NOW.

Here's an example of each:


The world has a need for me.


You're a great communicator!

3. Your Body: 

My body is my forever home and I'm grateful for it.

4. Men: 

I am worthy of love and respect.

5. Women:

I begin each day with a positive outlook. I intend for wonderful things to happen.

6. Relationships:

Mistakes are human nature. I am not my mistakes.

7. Work:

I prioritize self-care for a balanced work life.


I embrace new avenues of income.

9. Opportunities:

New opportunities to be, to do, and to have are showing up in my life every day.


In this moment, I am exactly where I am meant to be.

11. Environment/Nature:

Every opportunity to PAUSE and relish the outdoors in all seasons, provides me the strength to carry forward.

12.God/Universe/Source|Higher Self|Energy: 

God|Universe is with me always, and I trust that everything will work out for my highest good.

13. Health:

I trust my body to know what it needs, and I listen.

14. Aging:

I am a masterpiece in progress, becoming more magnificent with each passing day.

List them or post them around your home for you to see daily. 

Here's to your own Spiritual Transformation!  Please let me know your thoughts and as always.... 

Peace, Love, and Curiosity,


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