Embracing Your Adventure
Good morning followers! The last topic in the series of my "Law of Attraction Life Coaching" was ADVENTURE. This is a favorite and reminded me of an old friend named Jane in a 12 Step Meeting that had the topic one Saturday night, who said," Why don't we ever bring up fun or joy for a topic?" That was a great question and a great meeting! Here's today's reminder from pg 205 "Courage to Change" (One of Al-Anon's Daily Readers) "If I take a step back and look at this day as if I were watching a movie, I am sure to find at least a moment where I can enjoy some comic relief". "You grow up the day you have the first real laugh---at yourself." Ethel Barrymore Now onto Terez Firewoman Hartman's idea of creating your own "POWER OF ADVENTURE": Tool # 1: Finding ADVENTURE : In your own backyard In your everyday life Gastronomic Adventures ...