Establishing A Morning and Evening Routine
Good morning followers! I love these tips from my Career Coach Adam Hardt through "Transformation Academy". He recommends simple yet effective morning and evening suggestions to get you wired in the right "headspace" for a new career or just to start forming "healthier habits" to redesign that old morning and evening "ROUTINE". Let's start with our morning ! Adam suggests: 1. Get up as soon as your alarm goes off. 😠NO SNOOZE BUTTON! 2. Resist the urge to check your phone, email, social media, news, etc., until your day has officially BEGUN!!!!! 3. Your time getting ready in the morning is SACRED and so it's REALLY important that you protect yourself from anything that could POTENTIALLY TRIGGER you. 4. Give yourself enough TIME in the morning so that you can take your time getting ready. The very moment you start to get in a HURRY is the moment you'll start to feel your ANXIETY BUILD! 5. Allocate at least 5-10 minutes each m...