Why Should We Know Our Archetype?

 Good morning followers!

    I've started Career Life Coaching with Transformation Academy under " Adam Mitchell-Hardt, professional career coach, and husband and wife team Joeel and Natalie Rivera.

I love that Natalie has introduced the idea of archetypal roles in this training and course and that's what I'm going to cover in this blog.

The "term" "archetype" was coined by well- known psychologist Carl G. Jung in 1919. Jung believed that they were narrative patterns that exist within the human psyche. He believed that these characters are present in all members of our species and throughout our history, which is why we can see their traces in art, literature, dreams, and cultures around the world.

An "archetype" is the core of your personality and is influenced by your in-born nature as well as your life experiences. If your core archetype is "The Hero", you'll have the tendency to be courageous, but also to attract people to you who need "saving". It's like being cast in a movie as a "HERO" and you're actually playing the PART!!!

There are many archetypes, however Jung focused primarily on twelve that symbolize "core" human motivations. Here's a simplified description of each of the twelve. You might find that more than one feels like it represents a "core part of your personality" or "identity", however, there usually is ONE that makes you feel "THIS IS ME". 

And how this "dominant archetype" impacts your career:

The Dreamer:

Life is for: freedom and happiness

Fear: Being punished unfairly, being bad or wrong

Strength: faith and optimism

Weakness: naïve, defensive

AKA: innocent, romantic, utopian, naive

The Good Neighbor

Life is for: connecting to others, belonging

Fear: being left out, different, standing out, rejected

Strength: empathy, down to earth, peaceful

Weakness: loses one's own self, superficial

AKA: good old boy/girl, silent majority

The Hero

Life is for: proving one's worth, courage

Fear: weakness, vulnerability

Strength: competence, courage, boundaries

Weakness: arrogance, always battling, attracts people who need saving

AKA: warrior, dragon slayer

The Caregiver:

Life is for: protect, care for, rescue others

Fear: selfishness and not being needed

Strength: compassion and generosity

Weakness: martyrdom, self-sacrifice, being exploited

AKA: altruist, helper, saint, nurturer

The Explorer:

Life is for: freedom to discover yourself through exploring

Fear: getting trapped, conformity, emptiness

Strength: autonomy, independence, ambition, integrity

Weakness: aimless, lack of commitment

AKA: seeker, wanderer, individualist

The Rebel

Life is for: breaking rules, revolution or revenge

Fear: powerless or complacency

Strength: outrageousness, radical freedom, disrupting status quo

Weakness: crime, conflict, instability

AKA: revolutionary, wild, outlaw

The Lover:

Life is for: intimacy, connection, relationship and being attractive

Fear: being alone, unwanted, unloved

Strength: passion, appreciation, connection

Weakness: people-pleasing, losing self in others, dependency, attention seeking

AKA: friend, team-builder

The Creator:

Life is for: creating things of enduring value, making visions reality

Fear: mediocrity, settling, the status quo

Strength: imagination, problem solving, action

Weakness: perfectionism, impatience

AKA: artist, inventor, innovator, dreamer

The Jester:

Life is for: living in the moment

Fear: being bored or boring others

Strength: joy, levity, play

Weakness: wasting time, irresponsibility

AKA: the fool, practical joker, goof off

The Sage:

Life is for: seeking the truth, growth

Fear: ignorance, being duped or misled

Strength: self-reflection, intellect, seeking knowledge

Weakness: studying to excess with no action, over analyzing

AKA: philosopher, advisor, mentor, thinker, teacher

The Visionary:

Life is for: understanding the laws of the universe, making things happen

Fear: unintended negative consequences

Strength: following dreams, big picture, future vision, win-win solutions

Weakness: becoming manipulative

AKA: catalyst, inventor, charismatic leader, medicine man

The Ruler:

Life is for: control and power

Fear: chaos, losing control, being controlled

Strength: responsibility, leadership, organization, goal oriented

Weakness: being authoritative, unable to delegate

AKA: leader, manager, aristocrat

Funny just looking over these, I would have selected "The Caregiver". However, I took an archetype test which I'm including here:

What is Your Psychological Archetype? Free Test ⋆ LonerWolf

I turned out to be "The Explorer". It's good to know the truth and how it comes from your personality and life experiences. That being said, this one is starting to fit!

Next, I delved into an interesting copy of the "Archetypal Wheel" which is based on Carolyn Myss's book, "Sacred Contracts". 

 The Archetypal Wheel - Caroline Myss

Your Chart of Origin - Caroline Myss

Casting Your Chart of Origin - Caroline Myss

Casting a Working Chart - Caroline Myss

The Archteypal Wheel and the Houses (squarespace.com)

Finally, I looked at knowing your particular work archetype can better help you respond to stress in the workplace.

Knowing your work archetype can help you handle stress - Fast Company

I'm grateful to offer you this space and journey of learning alongside me.

As always,

Share your thoughts!

Peace, Healing, and Positivity,


: philosopher, advisor, mentor, t


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