Activating Your Heart Chakra

 Good morning followers,

   Once again, Kumari Mullin, in her delightful and soothing transformative way, reveals the power of activating sacred heart in the Energy Healing and Alignment Coaching I'm taking on Transformation Academy. 

Let's talk about what makes the heart sacred.

The heart is the hub of sacred spaces. This energy center is located right in the center of your chest. It has the capability to perfectly balance the world of matter, your lower three chakras with the world of Spirit, your upper three chakras: anahata chakra in Sanskrit means unhurt, unstuck, unbeaten. This Sanskrit translation implies that deep beneath us lie personal stories of personal suffering and pain. This heart chakra is our feeling center. and because it is, can become very, very tender. When we feel hurt or overwhelming emotions, we have a tendency to close it down, so the pain is numbed out. This can happen at a very young age when we were a child, and our tendency to feel is diminished. This becomes known as a closed or blocked chakra. at this point, if you fall into the blocked chakra category, it really is about repressed emotions. Whether this is a result of trauma stemming from a childhood event that you can't even remember, a grudge you're holding onto so tightly from last week, we all can identify what it feels like to repress feelings. Once this repression begins, your heart chakra gets out of balance.

In My Prescription Book, the book written by a back surgeon named Dr. Sarno. He discovered ironically that over 80 percent of his patients who were suffering from back pain were actually suffering from repressed emotions. Once these emotions were addressed and released, the pain disappeared from their backs. Similarly, in the field of epigenetics, they have now proven that your thoughts can switch your genes on and off. Combined with scientists and work on PTSD, has proven that unprocessed emotions are remembered and stored up in our body thus creating dis-ease in our body, even if unknown by the person who's harboring it.

So, in some, at the basic level, even if unknown by person harboring it. The heart center is about giving and receiving love. It's about your ability to be open and present with people around you. It's about your ability to feel connected and at ease with others. When it's functioning properly, the heart chakra is where we feel the spiritual qualities of compassion, empathy, unconditional love, altruism, and peace. It's vital to nurture and care for this chakra because it deals with emotions that live within the deepest parts of your being. It deals with love and hurt that are often felt deeply in soul level of the heart. 

So, this heart chakra is different from all the other chakras in two important ways

1. It's at the center of your energy system making it the bridge and the mediator between the upper and lower chakras. (The lower chakras are earth based making them concerned with needing the root chakra or the first chakra wanting the sacral chakra and getting the solar plexus chakra) (On the other hand, the upper chakras are heaven-based making them about connection to the spirit, self-expression, intuition, and intellect). At the center of these higher and lower energies is our heart chakra. It tempers our desires, goals, words and actions, bringing love and emotions into the equation.

2. The heart chakra is the location of our God Spark. This God Spark is a connection that all souls have back to the source through which we receive our vital life force. Every incarnated soul has this God Spark at the heart chakra. So, our very connection to source, and to everyone, and everything else, and the very source of our nourishment and life source as souls is located here. It's recommended you put on your own oxygen mask first as they always tell you on airplanes. If you don't attend to your own needs and emotional health, your heart chakra will be running on empty or out of balance. As a result, when you give to others, you can feel drained, resentful, and as if you have nothing to give anymore. And we can't continue to endlessly contribute from a place of feeling that emptiness, love, and regard for both the self and for others. Spring from the same source, this beautiful and very tender heart chakra. Always remember that love is the greatest healer, especially self-love. This activation of self-love will restore and awaken the great love in your Sacred Heart connection without needing to dive into the repressed emotions or blockages as it will naturally shift to a higher vibration, and you will be able to fill your cup to overflowing once again.


For me, this was a reminder of times to cherish the Source. Also, the many times I've allowed myself to get out balance by being in HALTS and not honoring my Heart Chakra. And on a positive note, it's possible to get right back on track and shift into balance.

I would love to hear your experiences.

I'm including a Guided Meditation to both open your Heart Chakra and a Loving Kindness one as well. 

Peace, Love, and Tenderness,



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