Self-Care Mantras to Start Your Day

 As I continue my Master's Empowerment Coaching Program in the Transformation Academy, in the "Self-Love/Self-Care Life Coaching", I was introduced to my own practice of Self-Care Mantras and my personal Morning Routine to jumpstart my day.

    I begin my day very early! I have a pit bill mix who rises somewhere between 3:30-4:00 am. (Weekends are not a free pass). I take her out for a walk where I surrender my will to HP, release my character defects, and express gratitude for the day before (the people that called, the lessons I learned, the safety of my son at work during the heat, the ease of communication with normally difficult people, and for life itself. Next, I read my daily meditations. I move on to my There I can choose writing prompts, mantras, and exercises, set intentions for my day, read for fun, clean an area of a room, reach out to a friend to let them know I'm thinking of them, and look at my daily motivation levels.

   I've learned through Step Work, trauma work, and life coaching, that I don't have to do everything in one sitting. Tasha Ina Church, the lead instructor of the Self-Care/Self-Love Coaching Certification", introduces her own 4/20 Routine: "20 minutes of reading, 20 minutes of writing, 20 minutes of meditation, and 20 minutes of exercise". She does however acknowledge if you're a working mom, a mom, etc, you may have to come up with your own. I've had to create "BALANCE". For me, it might be 4/10. That also might be spread throughout the day. And.... better yet give myself permission to accept it's OKAY for ME!!!

I looked up an interesting website on Mantras to check out.

I'm curious what's your Mantra and Morning Routine? I'd love to hear from You!!!



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