Shadow Work and Self-Sabotage

Good morning, followers!!

   Over the weekend one of my beautiful Sponsees asked to do Shadow work. That led me down a necessary path of looking for the best and newest books, worksheets, and workbooks to explore and offer her. 

I found a free workbook, "Wisdom of the Shadow Shadow Workbook Journal" to delve into deeper.

Wisdom+of+the+Shadow+Workbook (1).pdf

Also, I found a book, "The Secret Shadow" by Debbie Ford, that I purchased for myself as it was an author that I love who puts any topic into simplistic yet concrete examples of her own experience. I smiled as I bought it from Amazon. My brother, Anthony, who died in April of this year, loved her books too and would pick them up at a used bookstore and pass them on to friends to enjoy.

The last jewel of my journey this morning was this assessment of the 9 ways we self-sabotage and receive my results.

Assessments | Positive Intelligence

 Very eye-opening and in so many ways, I've grown, and in so many ways, I have a way to go. Not in a self-flagellating way, but in a healthy honest way! I'm so happy to say, this honest look at myself with all my "warts and all" is ok" In fact, I like myself. I accept myself. I continue the journey to freedom and " a new happiness". 


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