The Ill Effects of Stuffing Feelings and The Solution of Mindfulness
I began my new Course in Self-Care Life Coaching. It brought up an old behavior I knew so well in my childhood and carried long into my adult years... stuffing my feelings. From an early age, I learned by watching and picking up social cues that certain feelings weren't allowed or could escalate an already heated or chaotic situation. Therefore, I pushed them down and resented the person(s) who I at that young emotionally immature age couldn't allow myself to express them. I went to other people who were not so safe and shared myself and thought I was accepted, loved, and wouldn't be abandoned.
The imbalance of bottling my feelings caused me such pain and physical illness, emotional setbacks, and even spiritual doubt. I would get into relationships with people over and over which led me down a path of hiding behind a mask; I was not expressing my feelings or I was overly expressing them trying to change the other person I was in a relationship with even when it was so apparent, I couldn't have a conversation with them, listen to them, or be in public with them without a confrontation. I had a problem!
Stuffing Feelings vs. Regulating Emotions | Psychology Today
I was fortunate enough to get help for myself because I recognized the resentment. I recognized it in me and in other people I was trying to do this sick behavior with. I had to do the work. I had to see the importance of how I had been affected by unhealthy patterns of stuffing my feelings and also sharing too much ("no screen on the door" as my brother Jon calls it) with others. I learned with trauma work that I had to adopt mindfulness skills to destress my body and mind from all pre-adult unhealthy programming. I also had to adopt emotional regulation in the mix and reframe my sick orchestrated thinking. It gave me a new way of looking at people and situations and a new calm. My body got a lot healthier and continues to as I practice it. I'm grateful for these tools, and the opportunity to do self-care. It has really given me my life back!
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