Which Action Steps Are Right For You?

 Good evening, followers!

      Part of this Confidence Coaching that I'm taking covers Getting Momentum Through 3 Different Forms of Action Steps:

1. Quick Wins:

Helps me to look at my "to-do list" and do it quickly. This "Empowers" me to do things I'm not really good at; ex: I'll have a conversation with someone I can easily laugh with before having a "hard" conversation with my boss.


2. 5 Second Decisions:

Our brains are wired to "avoid risk and fear change".

"Indecision is a form of self-abuse". By not deciding, you're giving away your power."

"When you have a thought that will better your situation, act on it."


3. Immediate Massive Action:

Make a decision.

Take Massive Action that gets you as far down the path as you can and makes you "accountable".

What can I do now?

How can I feel invested?

"The bigger the initial action step you take, the better action step long term."

8 Things That Cause Your Lack of Motivation (And How to Fix Them) (deanbokhari.com)


I can honestly say, I can benefit from all three of these Action Steps in my LIFE and Relationships! I can get stuck in a "rut" and need that "Quick Win" to make me feel Confident and Productive. I can get up in the morning, and my "instinct" is nudging me to send out an email, and without, "overthinking" or "paralysis of analysis", I'll apply the 5 Second Decision, and in finishing not only this Confidence Coaching staying the course to complete Transformation Academy's Certified Master Self-Care and Boundaries Coach. For this last Requirement, I'll have to apply an Immediate Massive Action. I'm at the last course, and I'm 49 percent complete. I'm a great student, but can I cut it as a "teacher" or a Practitioner?

I'd love to hear how you relate to these Action Steps in your life, career, and your relationships.


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