What's Your Current Story?
Good morning, followers!
This is an opportunity to gather.... stories you've been told from family members, friends, teachers, counselors, mentors, etc. These are stories we tell ourselves about ourselves or repeat about ourselves from others that aren't ours. This exercise again coming from "Emily Rivera's Spiritual Coaching", gives you the opportunity to address your beliefs, mindset, emotions, expectations, and opinions in the following areas:
Once again, I'll give you a brief description of my own:
Today I'm really learning to love myself and being okay with others having love. I can receive love from so many diverse people.
I receive my purpose from God. I pray daily to receive it. If I feel it, I act on it but so differently than from the defect of pride or out of a need of approval. Also, if something is revealed to me that it's no longer healthy or working for me, I no longer hold onto it for "dear life" or am at a place of "unacceptance". I can now release it, feel it, and let it go.
Success for me is being grateful for each and every day I breathe. The lessons I learn along the way. The real relationships I have in my life. My ability to see and face reality no matter how painful. My ability to feel and make choices. My serenity. The balance I have every day. Last but not least, my ability to not seek toxic people, places or situations.
Self-Personality, Dislikes, Likes:
I have a fun frenetic energy.
I like being treated with respect.
I love cooking, gardening, reading, spending time getting to know people, learning new things, birds, dogs, music of various genres, going to movies, nature, and peace.
I dislike bullying, manipulation, beating around the bush, being used, pitied, drama, abused, and trauma.
Money is necessary to live. I respect it. I'm creating a safe vision of crafting a financial accountability tribe to get me and my adult children through the second half of life.
I have a strong faith and a Program that is Higher than my defeat. Healing is me showing up and letting go of my will with "people, places, and things". It's me showing up and humbly asking to surrender my defects and survival mechanisms and it's me showing up in thankfulness from the day before no matter how small. My perspective has widened and continues to do so. Bless Others, Change Me.
I'm find joy in so many ways! In cooking, painting, in conversations with others, in my relationships, in me being "Me".
I can be honest about being a recovering anorexic, the patterns that it's held in my life, the lengths I've gone to sabotage myself and abandon relationships when I felt attacked or re-experienced trauma. I'm at healthy point of being able to safely exercise and not self-mutilate.
I know I have a deep relationship with Spirit. I see it and feel it flowing in my life and witness it in meetings I go to, Conversations I experience, the life I live, the emotions I feel, and the relationships I have and the priority I place on them.
Mind, Body, Spirit Connection:
I know I have to work on all three and keep all three in good working order. If I allow any one of these to get sick or out of balance, it affects the other two. I'm able to spot it quicker if if I'm out of alignment and don't take it personally if someone else calls me on it.
I choose my day. I choose what I want to talk about, and boundaries are put into place to keep me safe. Flexibility is the order of the day. I'm continuing a path of peace, love, acceptance, gentleness, fun, and understanding. I daily commit to what adds value to my life and let go of what causes me pain. I had an emotional addiction to fixing pain to get love and acceptance. I'm worthy of love today. Thank you to all of you who continue to walk this journey of discovery with me.
Peace, Love, and Curiosity,
I'd love to hear your current story!!!
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