Finding Your Element and Restoring it To Balance

 Good afternoon, followers!

   The past few days I've been learning about our Four Elements with Victoria Hawkins on Transformation Academy's "Shamanic Life Coaching". It's a science lesson, a life lesson, a mindfulness lesson, a cultural lesson, and spiritual lesson masterfully woven up into one!

Fire: Fire is represented by the upright triangle. Logo is red, orange, or yellow flame in color. These people tend to possess ideas of strength, passion, lifeforce, activity, purifying, or smoothing out situations. This is associated with the flourishing season of summer and warmth. These folks tend to be leaders and hot-tempered. They also get excited about one thing or many things. They can lose focus in bring that idea into energy or fruition.

Must balance their fire with Earth by grounding. Also, they can benefit by listening to Water (the sound of the waves). 

Water: Water is represented by the upside-down triangle and the symbol of a circle with a wave, with a river or stream inside it. It's blue in color and its direction is west. Motion, change, and going with the flow are what these folks are known for. Water also has a lot of power. These people are flexible. When they get out of balance, they don't allow others to choose for them. 

They must bring in Earth to ground and decision-make, they must bring in Fire to create fun. By getting out in the sunshine and soaking up natural warmth.

Earth: Earth is represented by an upside-down triangle with a line half-way in the middle. Its logo is a circle with a brown or green spiral. It is associated with winter, waiting, grounded, denser, and its compass point is North. These people are very stable, practical, loyal, trustworthy. They have difficulty changing. When they get out of balance, they get stuck!

To get back into balance, bring in a Water Activity (Listen to the Waves), Move with The Water (in a Canoe), Shake things up (Air), Lift things up (Wind), Fans (Ceiling Fans-Moves Air).

Air: Air is represented by right-side up triangle with line half-way through it. Its logo is a circle with moving air. Spring is associated with it. Air is constantly move. These people have creativity. This is a time of new beginnings. The Compass point is East. These folks have lots of ideas and tend to lose focus as they flit from one idea to another. Unbalanced, they become flighty.

To become balanced, they need to mindfully walk (Earth). They can also connect with the stability, solidness and strength of an oak or pine tree. 

Meet The Four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire & Water | Revoloon

Quiz: Which Element Are You? Air - Earth - Water - Fire (

After taking the above quiz, I found out I'm Earth. Not shocking! Good information and also very helpful to know how to get back in balance using the other natural elements.

I hope you found this helpful. 

I also hope you'll consider finding out which one you are!!!

Always willing, learning, and curious,




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