Radical Compassion in a New Light

 Good morning followers,

     I'm continuing to be enlightened in
my teachings to abundance, compassion, strength, intuition, and better breathing. I've enrolled myself in Victoria Hawkin's " Yoga Life Coaching" on Transformation Academy.

This morning, I was fascinated as she presented "Ashima Yoga". 

I learned the meaning of "Ashima" was to "do no harm".

This type of yoga is all about choosing compassion.

Several times she uses the quote, "Practice makes master."

Another quote she brings this morning is from Ghandi. "We must be change we want we see in the world. "As she is making reference to this quote, Hawkins brings up her own wishes, love, kindness, patience, joy.

What are yours?

This type of yoga is about choosing more positive words.

This type of yoga is about choosing healthier foods to put in your body.

The most aha for me about this radical compassion or "Ashima Yoga " was an experiment Hawkins refers to by a Dr. Emoto done on water droplets. 


Our human body is not only made of space but water.  This is an example of how to set a practice and conscious intention of speaking positive and kindly to yourself today. When you do so, it reflects outward on to others.


Peace, Gentleness, and Kindness,



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