Beauty as a Tool in LOA
Good afternoon followers!
I'm studying one of my favorite teachers, Terez Hartman teaching a subject that brings me so much happiness, Law of Attraction!
Though I'm doing this particular course as a pre-requisite to finish my Masters in Spiritual Life Coaching Certification, it's been one of my favorites to repeat and look at the various tools and applying them in real time to self-care, relationships, being present, having gratitude, authentic, learning a healthy sense of self-expression, and finding what opens up my own sense of adventure and fun.
Today, however, I'm going to focus on the tool of BEAUTY!
yes, I said BEAUTY!!!
Here's the synopsis from this Law of Attraction Course on this Tool:
1. First when you focus on the Prescence of BEAUTY you will see your SCENERY change.
In other words, turn toward what nurtures your soul and more will of the same will flow
Greet your day with a SMILE. When you SMILE at LIFE, it SMILES back at YOU!
Smiling: The Surprising Benefits You Never Knew About - Psychologily
2. Beauty is EXPONENTIAL.
One beautiful act or creation can POSITIVELY affect MILLIONS of People!
As you go about your day, make a note, take pictures or create audios of the beautiful things, places, experiences and interactions you observe.
Read, look and listen to this list you made just before you go to sleep (to get your beauty rest).
Read this list as awake to begin a beautiful day and morning.
Make a new list every day.
Happyfeed - Daily Gratitude Journal App for iOS and Android
3. Create a Beautiful Life for YOURSELF
Why settle for only a few beautiful moments when you can have the ability to have a BEAUTIFUL LIFE FOR YOURSELF???
Create something BEAUTIFUL. You can do this just for you or if you so feel inclined, share your creation with someone!
A Work of Art
Composing a Song, Play or Dance to a Piece of Music
Build Something
Plant Something
Invent Something
Creating a formula, template or other process
Update or Upgrade something
Beautify your space
Choose the BEAUTY TOOL That Feels EASY to Do on a DAILY BASIS.
For me, I'd have to say it's a choice between 1 and 3. I love that I can identify and have more than BEAUTY TOOL.
I'd love to hear from you which one resonates with you.
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