Bringing up Your Intuition


Good morning, Followers,

    As an Enneagram Coach and Forgiveness Coach Student, part of the process of learning to "live in the solution" and "on life's terms" is to bring up what we have silenced. One of our greatest internal gifts and compasses to guide us is our "intuition". 

A basic definition of "intuition" found on psychologytoday

Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning or an explanation. The use of intuition is sometimes referred to as responding to a "gut feeling" or "trusting your gut."

In this Forgiveness Coaching I'm currently studying, under the Transformation Academy with Dr. Sheri Rosenthal, there is a wonderful opportunity to look at the process of how "decision-making" is influenced by our need for perfection, the right answer, listening to others, approval, or we don't feel like we possess the good enough to be successful.

All of this .... after we have made decisions, we get to ask ourselves, I should have done this... taken the other job (moved into the other house, or even taken the other street on my way to work or to a meeting). I KNEW WHAT TO DO, I JUST DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION!!!! THE OTHER CHOICE DIDN'T SEEM POSSIBLE OR LOGICAL!!!

So, we gather opinions from lots of people we trust to figure out our course of best action for US. We fail to RECOGNIZE we're WIRED from the INSIDE-OUT with this AMAZING FAIL-SAFE SYSTEM WHICH WHEN WE FOLLOW IT ILLUMINATES OUR PATH THAT NOURISHES OUR DEEPEST DESIRES AND OUR GREATEST WELL-BEING. (INTUITION).

We SELF-SABATOGE ourselves by making decisions based on what we think we SHOULD DO, or we LOWER OUR DESIRES out of OUR BELIEFS OF That WE WON"T SUCCEED. WE then FOCUS on REGRET, DISAPPOINTMENT, and IF-ONLY'S.

At this Point...there are few important questions to ask yourself?

1. How often have you self-sabotaged by editing what you allow yourself to think is possible?

2. How often do you personally regret choices you've made (or blame others for their influence or opinions)?

3. How often have you made as well have taken actions because your ego-mind spoken with authority and conviction is in the driver's seat? Ex: Choosing a menu item because you think that's what you should order or more significant life choices, including what you should study in school, who you should marry, what your career should be, or the place you should live. (I can relate to this one on many levels as far as ordering on the menu, changing my major in college from journalism to economics, even getting married and moving to Richmond while going to VCU.)

4. What holds you back from using your "INNER KNOWING" for all of your life choices in every moment? Habits and patterns of thought can often belittle our Intuition's seemingly illogical suggestions convincing us that rational, logical, mental data is always "RIGHT".

So how do we bring up our intuition after years of silencing it?


Remember the EGO-MIND... Rationalizes, judges, and has a story based on FEAR (FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL).


4 Ways Trusting Your Intuition Is A Superpower (

My absolute favorite part of this is an opportunity to both release regret and PRACTICE INTUITION:

  • Make a list of all the choices you have regretted in which fear-based beliefs have sabotaged your INTUITION.
  • Go through the list ONE BY ONE. Say out loud, " I forgive myself for believing I made the wrong choice about: (state the item on the list).
  • Imagine the item on the list is contained inside a helium balloon. It is attached to your body by a string (your string may look like a metal cable).
  • Take a pair of scissors and cut the string as close to your body as possible watching the item float, up, up and away and disappear.
  • Repeat this exercise for each item on your list. Realize it may take more than a day! Anytime you feel regret or remorse for a choice you've made, use this technique to forgive yourself. Recognize that even if you judge these outcomes to be "bad" they're NOT, you learned something valuable from those choices for the future and that is the "what is".                                                                                                                                                                                 Here's an exercise to strengthen your INTUITION:                                                                                                                                         
  • Start using simple choices you normally might make in and throughout your day. Ex: If you feel you want to wear red, do it. Notice that your mind might comment:" People will look at you. You don't normally wear red. What will people say?". You can begin to see how the ego-mind is editing your experience of life and "sabotaging" your intuitive feelings. You can use this for deciding:
       1. What to wear in the morning. 

       2. Whether you should date that person or not.

       3. What to order in a restaurant.

  • Jot down a list of choices you've made where you've followed your INTUITION, and the outcome was FABULOUS! Keep this list handy. Notice when you're questioning your INTUITION, take your list out as a reminder of the POWER of your INNER KNOWING.

  • When you have an important choice to make, ask yourself: What's my next step regarding_____________? And why is my mind trying to make this so complicated?

  • Listen to your INTUITION, pay attention to what you're feeling in your body. When you trust your INNER KNOWING, you don't have to know what the final outcome will be' you SIMPLY follow your PGS (Personal Guidance System), which discerns between the voice of ego-mind and your intuition.
AFFIRMATION: I forgive myself for the self-sabotage of ignoring and failing to honor my intuition.
My inner knowing is my personal guidance system.
My choices are based on my intuition, expressed through the wisdom of my body.


How to Tap Into Your Intuition (20 Powerful Tips) - Through the Phases



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