Asana Transformational Poses

 Good morning followers!

    I've almost completed my Yoga Life Coaching Certification taught by Victoria Hawkins!

Here are the Yoga Poses she teaches and also modifies for those who need adaptations.

1.  Grounding and Strengthening Asana

An individual would use these poses to feel STABLE, STRONG, and SURE, and to increase these Feelings in themselves.

Mountain Pose

Standing Half-Moon

Warrior One

Warrior 1 Pose: Learn to Do This Yoga Posture In 10 Steps | The Output by Peloton (

Warrior Two

Five-Pointed Star,think%20of%20reaching%20out%20through%20your%20fingers.%20

Goddess Squat/Pose

Unveiling The Magic Of Goddess Squat: Empower Your Practice (

Chair Pose

****Reminder: Return to Mountain Pose as your Base and Stabilizing/ Centering Pose.

2. Balancing Yoga

An individual would cultivate these poses to feel centered, balanced, and aligned. Each of these poses begins from the Mountain Pose.

Blessing Balance

A Yoga Sequence For Inspiring Gratitude | YogaRenew (

Tree Pose

Tree Pose Yoga (Vrksasana) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |


Shooting Star

Yoga For Any Room! Space Pose: Shooting Star | Health Powered Kids

Toe Balance

Tree Pose Yoga (Vrksasana) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

How to Do Toe Stand Pose in Yoga –

3. Heart and Throat Opening Asana

This series is used to create an experience of opening up the physical area of the heart and lungs, energetically and emotionally opens the heart chakra to receive and offer more compassion, gratitude, and appreciation.

Mountain Pose

Back Hinge (Can Be Full of Modified from Mountain Pose)

Certainly! The Back Hinge Yoga Pose is a beneficial movement that can help improve flexibility and alleviate tension in the lower back. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms down by your sides.
  2. Take a deep inhale, then on your exhale, hinge from your hips to bend forward. If the backs of your legs or lower back feel tight, you can bend your knees.
  3. Allow your head and arms to hang down, grabbing opposite elbows.
  4. As you breathe, imagine your spine decompressing.

This pose helps stretch the hamstrings and lower back muscles, promoting better posture and balance. Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity as needed1. If you’re experiencing low back pain, incorporating yoga poses like this can be helpful.


Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend): Steps, Benefits, Precautions - Fitsri Yoga

How To Do Half Chair Pose | Benefits, Variations, Modification (

Clasped Hands Behind Back in Mountain Pose (Can Use Strap for Modification)

How to do Parivrtta Utkatasana Chair | (

Half-Back with Clasped Hands or Strap

Uttanasana with Clasped Hands — NYC Naturopathic Dr | Integrative Functional Holistic (

Star Pose

Star Pose Mastery: Your Ultimate Guide to Utthita Tadasana - The Yoga Nomads

 Seated Five-Pointed Star

chair yoga five-pointed starShare on Pinterest
Credit: Dima Bazak

When you wish upon a star, this pose strengthens, lengthens, and aligns your spine.

Try it:

Take a deep breath and extend arms out to either side. Keep your spine neutral. Stretch through your fingers and the top of your head.

If you can, stretch legs straight out too. Your limbs and head should help you form the star you are.

Hold for 5 breaths.

Seated Cat and Cow

How to Seated Cat Cow Pose: A Guide to Mindful Flexibility (

TapleTop With Cat and Cow

How to do Table Top Position & Cat-Cow - Yoga with Rachel (

Boat Pose

Boat Pose Yoga: How to Do Boat Pose and Variations - Hosh Yoga

Chair Yoga for Beginners | Seated Boat Pose (


How to Do Sphinx Pose in Yoga (Salamba Bhujangasana)—Proper Form, Variations, and Common Mistakes - The Yoga Nomads


Cobra Pose Yoga (Bhujangasana) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

Yoga: Seated Cobra Pose - The Brain Health Magazine

4. Core Strengthening Asana

This series connects your physical and emotional core strength and increases the strength experience. It also offers an opportunity to get connected to one's Inner Wisdom and Intuition associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Mountain Pose Focus on the Core Engaging Thighs, Lower Belly and Mid Belly

Staff Pose

Staff Pose (Dandasana), Step-By-Step: Your Guide to How and Why You Should Practice This Yoga Pose - The Yoga Nomads

Staff Pose Chair Yoga (Danadasana Chair) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

Boat Pose

Reverse TableTop Pose

Reverse Tabletop Pose (Ardha Purvottanasana) (

Reverse Table Top Pose Chair Yoga (Ardha Purvottanasana Chair) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

TableTop Into Modified Plank

How to do a modified plank using a chair and or a wall (

Yoga Instructions: Tabletop to Wild Thing - Rancho La Puerta

Rest In Puppy Dog or Child's Pose

Puppy Pose (Anahatasana): Steps, Benefits, And Contraindications - SharpMuscle

Puppy Dog Pose Chair (Uttana Shishosana Chair) Steps |

Full Plank or Plank on Forearms

How to Do Plank Pose (Phalakasana) | YogaUOnline

Joyful Breath Yoga - Pose Breakdown - Chair Yoga Plank Pose (

Rest in Puppy Dog or Child's Pose

How to Perform Child Pose in Yoga: 11 Steps (with Pictures) (

Five Minute Poses: Supported Child's Pose - Yoga with Eve Grzybowski (

*** Any standing or seated pose can also become core strengthening by engaging the belly muscles.

5. Releasing Asana

This series offers an opportunity to release in the physical body, the energetic body, and the emotional body. These postures require good breath pattern throughout and focus on exhalation of the breath.

Simple Seat Twist

11 Simple Twists to Increase Spine Mobility - Yoga Rove

Chair Seated Twists (Parivrtta Chair Tadasana) Variations - 63 variations of Chair Seated Twists |

Simple Seat Side Body Stretch

Seated Side Stretch — My Yoga Friend Deb

Chair Seated Side Stretch Pose Yoga | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

Diamond or Butterfly Seated Forward Fold

How To Practice Seated Forward Fold  - Yoga Rove

Windshield Wiper Knees-Seated

Seated Windshield Wiper Pose Yoga (Upavistha Jathara Parivartanasana) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation |

Seated Windshield Wiper Pose (Upavistha Jathara Parivartanasana) (

Roll Down to Your Back

Yoga Standing Roll Down for Lower Back (

Windshield Wiper Knees-Lying Down

Legs up the Wall

Legs Up The Wall Pose -


Savasana (Corpse Pose): Benefits, Steps & Variations (


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