Bringing up Your Intuition

Good morning, Followers, As an Enneagram Coach and Forgiveness Coach Student, part of the process of learning to "live in the solution" and "on life's terms" is to bring up what we have silenced. One of our greatest internal gifts and compasses to guide us is our "intuition". A basic definition of "intuition" found on psychologytoday Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning or an explanation. The use of intuition is sometimes referred to as responding to a "gut feeling" or "trusting your gut." In this Forgiveness Coaching I'm currently studying, under the Transformation Academy with Dr. Sheri Rosenthal, there is a wonderful opportunity to look at the process of how "decision-making" is influenced by our need for perfection, the right answer, listening to others, approval, or we don't feel like we possess the good enough to be succes...